Sustainable Investment

      Harvest focuses on long-term value creation and sustainable investment


      Harvest’s Sustainable Investment Philosophy And Approach

      Representing "forward looking" capital, Harvest is an active, fundamental research driven, long term manger, focused not only on the growth of investors' wealth, but also on improving the well-being of the environment and society as a whole. We believe the concept of sustainable development and investment can have a far-reaching positive impact on the environment and society, and ultimately deliver long-term sustainable returns to investors. Therefore, we are fully committed to sustainable investment and support the sustainable growth of the economy. Harvest has joined forces with other leading institutions in organizations and investor alliances focused on promoting sustainable investment and ESG integration.

      • Principles Responsible


      • Green Finance Committee Of China
        Society For Finance And Banking


      • Task Force On Climate-Relate
        Financial Disclosure


      • CDP


      • ACGA


      Harvest’s Sustainable Investment Statement

      Harvest’s Approach To Sustainable Investment

      Harvest’s approach to sustainable investment consists of three pillars:1. systematic ESG integration throughout investment processes 2. engagement and stewardship 3. Sustainable and thematic investing, with proprietary ESG and sustainability research at the core to drive sustainable investment decision making.

      • Systematic ESG integration

        Systematically integrate financially material ESG risks & opportunities in investment decision making processes

      • Engagement and Stewardship

        Portfolio managers and ESG specialists proactively engage in voting and company engagement on ESG issues

      • Sustainable and thematic investment

        Developing sustainability focused and ESG integrated fund and tools

      Harvest ESG Research Framework

      Harvest’s proprietary ESG research framework is aligned with global ESG frameworks while at the same time focused on adapting to China-specific considerations and market realities. We assign an ESG score for all Chinese A-share companies on a 0-100 scale according to their exposure to industry-specific ESG risks and their ability to manage those risks relative to peers.

      The scoring framework consists of 3 themes, 8 topics and 23 issues, over 110 detailed ESG metrics that are most material and relevant in China. Harvest ESG Scores could help investors identify material ESG risks and opportunities in their investment in China in a measurable and timely manner.

      • Themes
      • Topics
      • Issues


      Environmental Risk Exposure Geographic risk exposure Business risk exposure
      Pollution and Emission Control Climate change Air and water pollutant emissions Environmental violations and controversies
      Natural Resources and Ecological Impact Natural resources use Circular and green economy


      Human Capital Labor management and employee benefits Employee health and safety Talent development and engagement Labor related controversies
      Product and Service Quality Product safety and quality Business innovation Customer privacy and data security Product related controversies
      Community Development Community development Supply chain responsibility


      Corporate Governance Structure Shareholder structure and rights Board composition and oversight Accounting practices Executive pay and incentives
      Governance Behavior Business ethics and anti-corruption Governance related controversies

      Harvest Sustainable Investment Milestones


      Harvest Capital Management and China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group co-launched China’s first environmental protection ABS “Harvest Energy Conservation No.1 Specialized Asset Backed Security” in Shanghai Stock Exchange


      Officially launched the Harvest Environmental Protection and Low Carbon equity mutual fund


      CSI Shuishan Environmental Protection Patent 50 Index” customized by Harvest was launched


      Harvest Capital Management and China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group co-launched China’s first CMBS “Harvest Capital & CECEP Green Building CMBS” in Shenzhen Stock Exchange


      Officially became a signatory to the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)


      Became supporter of TCFD - Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures


      Became the first institutional investor member of Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) in China


      Joined Asian Corporate Governance Association (ACGA)


      Joined the China ESG Leaders Association
      Launched “CSI 300 Harvest ESG Leaders Index (931382)”


      Harvest ESG Scoring System was launched on Wind terminal


      Awarded A+ Rating by the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) in “Strategy and Governance” module in our 2020 Transparency Report for our commitment efforts to integrate ESG considerations into the investment decision making

      Harvest ESG Awards

      • 2020-09

        AMAC& Shanghai Securities News, “Responsible Investing Award – Fund Management Firm”

      • 2020-07

        PRI, Harvest’s “Developing a robust and effective ESG integration program in China” was shortlisted for
        PRI 2020 Awards “Emerging Markets Project of the Year”

      • 2019-11, “ESG/Responsible Industry Best Practice Award”
        Sina Finance, “2019 Best Responsible Investment Fund House Award”

      • 2019-01

        IRRI Survey 2018/19 “Top 50 Asset Managers Contributing to Sustainable and Responsible Investment”

      ESG Thematic Strategy And Products

      The Harvest customized “CSI 300 Harvest ESG Leaders Index”, is constructed and launched by China Securities Index Co., Ltd based on the CSI 300 index. The index construction uses a sector neutral approach to select the top 100 rated companies within the CSI 300 constituents according to Harvest’s proprietary ESG scoring methodology. The aim of the index is to represent the performance of the leaders within each sector among CSI 300 index constituents in managing environmental, social and governance issues.

      CSI 300 Harvest ESG Leaders Index CSI 300

      CSI 300 Harvest ESG Leaders Index 931382.CSI

      近一月 近3月 近6月 近1年 近3年 基日以來

      Note:Wind / Harvest Fund Management Co., Ltd